Parish Missions

Topics you can host for your parish:

God Within

God Within” seminar is an introduction to the authentic spirituality drawing from the wisdom of the greatest theologians of last century like Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., Fr. John Arintero O.P., and Fr. Jordan Aumann O.P. , summarizing spirituality of the Saints and doctors of the holy Mother Catholic Church like St. Catherine of Siena, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and St. Ignatius of Loyola, in conjunction with programs offered for spiritual formation of the seminarians in dioceses around United States explained in the language common to every Catholic desiring freedom to follow Christ wherever He leads them.  

Participants will come to understand the meaning of being fully alive: 

  • Ultimate goal of every human being 
  • The map to that goal 
  • True meaning of authentic spirituality 
  • Seven theological presuppositions 
  • Head vs. heart 
  • Practicum learned from the life of the Saints 
  • One thing necessary that Christ spoke of 
  • True meaning of worship 
Discernment of Spirits

What is God’s plan for our lives? How can we evaluate our inner movements and discern that God is calling us in a particular direction? This seminar will invite participants deeper into the discernment of spirits of St. Ignatius of Loyola by asking these and similar types of questions. Developing topics covered in “Discernment of Spirits,” this seminar applies Ignatian principles to real-life examples to show participants how to hear and follow God’s specific calls throughout our daily lives.  

My God is the God of Jacob


Every person has a unique call to do God’s work throughout their lives. We see this evidenced in a beautiful way in the story of Jacob. By meditating on Jacob and his response to God, this seminar will enable participants to better understand their unique mission in the world and their motivations for making decisions. Participants will reflect on questions such as, “What is my unique call from God?” “How can I find it?” and “Who am I?” in order to more deeply apply the story of Jacob to their own lives.  

    When Trust is Needed

    In this seminar, we will look to the ministry of St. Paul, specifically in Corinth, to better understand the joys and trials of working for the Lord. As God’s appointed (Leaders especiallyministry leaders, many of us are faced with daunting challenges and beautiful moments of grace. Paul also faced this as he proclaimed Jesus Christ to the world. At Corinth, he was rejected by his own Jewish people. Paul next turns to the Gentiles. The Lord exhorts Paul one night, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you.” These words echo in our hearts to this day. By looking to the ministry of Paul, both his hardships and his victories, participants will be better equipped for their own ministry and will be left with a deeper understanding of their own call.  

    The Great Exchange


    The Great Exchange is a seminar based on the spirituality of great masters of contemplative life such as St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila. From their experiences the participants will learn about an authentic freedom. By working on giving Christ our little attachments, participants will be enabled to participate in “the great exchange” lived by the Saints – an exchange in which God always gives us more than we could ever imagine.  

    In this seminar we will learn more about: 

    1. Do we have a friend in this world? Is it God? 
    1. Who are we, do we have a destiny, and how do we get there? 
    1. Can we know God personally, experientially, intimately, or is He just an abstract theoretical intellectual idea? Can we meet Him in this life? 
    1. If the answer is yes and we want towhat is it like to know Him? 
    1. What is actually an intimate communion with God? 
    1. Since this experience can’t be produced by our efforts and power, how can we attain it? 
    1. How do Catholic and an oriental experience differ? Not a technique 
    1. Thirst for God and how do we respond to it? 

    “The secret to real freedom is to prefer God to everything and to do everything for God.” 

    Mother M. Angelica 


      When Trust is Needed

      In this seminar, we will look to the ministry of St. Paul, specifically in Corinth, to better understand the joys and trials of working for the Lord. As God’s appointed (Leaders especiallyministry leaders, many of us are faced with daunting challenges and beautiful moments of grace. Paul also faced this as he proclaimed Jesus Christ to the world. At Corinth, he was rejected by his own Jewish people. Paul next turns to the Gentiles. The Lord exhorts Paul one night, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you.” These words echo in our hearts to this day. By looking to the ministry of Paul, both his hardships and his victories, participants will be better equipped for their own ministry and will be left with a deeper understanding of their own call.  

      Spiritual Topics


      Forgotten Virtues –This talk will cover a deeper understanding of the spiritual acts of mercy, such as comforting the afflicted, instructing the ignorant, counseling the doubtful or praying for the living and dead. While many have heard of the corporal acts of mercy, many forget or do not understand the importance of the spiritual acts of mercy as well. This talk will help deepen our understanding of the works of mercy and their importance in spiritual growth. 

      The Best Man Ever Born  – In Matthew 11:11 Jesus says, “Amen, I say to you, among those born of women there has been none greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” This is high praise for the prophet who proclaimed that the Kingdom of God was at hand and prepared the way for the coming of Jesus. Inspired by the work of John the Baptist, this talk reflects on the life of the “greatest man ever born” in order to help us better understand our own identity and mission.  

      Courage – Courage does not manifest itself simply in dramatic and heroic events. It is linked to the cardinal virtue and gift of the Holy Spirit, fortitude, which allows us to face obstacles reasonably and calmly. This talk will help us better understand the role of courage in the spiritual life in order to help participants develop an authentic courage that remains in times of uncertainty or conflict.  

      In God we trust, or do we?  Nowhere in the world are people surrounded by the statement “In God we Trust” more than in America. These are simple, yet profound words. Do we really place our trust in God? And if so, how much or how often? It is easy to say these words when our lives are smooth and stress-free. How can we live these words throughout every situation in our lives? This talk will invite you to find the answer.  

      God we serve, or do we? – Our lives and actions offer opportunities to grow spiritually and serve God. Do we live with this understanding? This talk will help us to echo the words of Jesus to his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, “not my will, but yours will be done.”  

      God we worship, or do we?  What is true worship? Jesus told the woman at the well in John 4:24 “God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” We enter the most profound form of worship when we celebrate and fully participate in the holy sacrifice of the Mass.  

      Mother Church – The Church was God’s goal from the beginning of time, even at creation. The Church is the Body of Christ, instituted by Jesus Christ himself, as a means of our sanctification leading us to rest with God for eternity. But how many of us think of the Church this way or call her Mother? What does Holy Mother Church really mean? This talk will delve into these questions and discuss our role as Catholics in the Church.  


        By Request- If you have a special need in your parish, please reach out to us and let us see if we can create a retreat that will serve your needs.

        Reserve your spot for a retreat

        If you are interested in a particular retreat for your parish, let us know. Otherwise you will be put on the list for retreats as they become available. Remember there is always limited availability for each retreat.