What to expect from these classes
How have these transformed the lives of others
step 1
Discovering God within Us – An Introduction to the Spiritual Life
Instructor: Peter Stur
The “Discovering God Within Us” series is an introduction to authentic Catholic spirituality drawing from the wisdom of the great theologians of the last century. It is explained in language common to every Catholic who desires the freedom to follow Christ wherever he leads them, this course is offered in conjunction with programs offered for the spiritual formation of seminarians in dioceses around United States.

step 2
Deepening My Interior Life to Follow Christ Wherever He Leads
Instructor: Fr Chris Hellstrom
Adapted from spiritual formation lectures offered to seminarians at St. John Vianney Seminary during their Spirituality Year, this series of classes on deepening spiritual formation is for the laity who feel an active call from Christ to follow him more closely and serve him actively in their daily life. These classes are also ideal for those who exercise leadership in the Church but desire deeper relational life with God

step 3
The One Thing Necessary
Instructor: Fr Armando Marsal
Presented by Fr. Armando Marsal DCJM, this series of classes is constructed according the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola along with the influence of other spiritualities including the Dominicans and Carmelites.
This class prepares you to live your mission in the world and push you to take the leap of faith to be what God intended you to be.

Catholic Moral Theology
Instructor: Fr Daniel Kluge
Presented by Fr. Daniel Kluge, this series of classes discusses the basic principles of moral theology based on St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica. The course also delves into he different virtues and the sins against them.
This course will help you examine your life and your everyday actions with the goal of growing in virtue.