SOTD: St. Lucy

SOTD: St. Lucy

St. Lucy Dec 13  A virgin and martyr of Syracuse in Sicily, whose feast is celebrated by Latins and Greeks alike on 13 December. According to the traditional story, she was born of...
3rd Sunday of Advent; Our Lady of Guadalupe

3rd Sunday of Advent; Our Lady of Guadalupe

3rd Sunday of Advent Our Lady of Guadalupe December 2021 M T W T F S S  12345 6789101112...

SOTD: St. Damasus

St. Damasus Dec 11 Born about 304; died 11 December, 384. His father, Antonius, was probably a Spaniard; the name of his mother, Laurentia, was not known until quite recently. Damasus...
Our Lady of Loreto

Our Lady of Loreto

Our Lady of Loreto December 2021 M T W T F S S  12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 2728293031   « Nov     DIVINE INTIMACY PAGE GUIDE Seeking God in our...
SOTD: St. Juan Diego

SOTD: St. Juan Diego

St. Juan Diego and Blessed Clara Isabella Fornari December 2021 M T W T F S S  12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 2728293031   « Nov     DIVINE INTIMACY...