"FATHER, this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."


Our work is dedicated to the spiritual formation of the laity. Our mission is to guide souls to an abundant life, which is life in Christ; so that through Him, they may have the freedom and courage to follow wherever He leads.


We envision a world where every person will know God and His Son Jesus Christ through personal, intimate, experiential encounter; through contemplative prayer, entering into a holy journey, living in Christ in the duties of daily life.

Current Class Offerings Donate


A course on discovering God within ourselves by learning to listen to His voice when we pray. The course teaches authentic Catholic spirituality and discusses the fundamental principles of true and effective prayer.


Spiritual Direction

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. -Proverbs 19:20

Do you need spiritual direction or are you feeling called to become a spiritual director yourself?


Spiritual formation in the way of the heart.

Knowledge is only power if it is used for its highest good. We have a lot of head knowledge, but the practical application in one’s life is the key to living completely from Him, with Him and in Him.


In those days he departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God.- Luke 6:12

If Christ Jesus needed retreats, how much more do we? Retreats pull us out of the world for a time, and into communion with Him.


Saint of the Day 

Listen to a lecture on the day’s saint 

Baltimore Catechism
A 30-week series of lectures based on the New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism No 2. A wonderful resource to learn about the foundational concepts of the faith.



In Him

Locations and counting


As a Catholic Biblical School student, I thought my faith life had become as strong as possible. ….But what I have learned in just a few weeks of In Ipso classes with Father Chris Hellstrom has blown me away and left me yearning for more…

– KD

I can only thank God for this special ministry that In Ipso offers. I am no longer the same person that I was the first day that I walked into that retreat.

– Pam

Our world is in so desperate need of healing and these classes have given me the means for further healing in my own life and now the opportunity to invite healing to those around me.

– Ann

Father Armando was simply amazing. He speaks with the Power of God..... and helped me to understand that it is all about Him, not about me.

– Joe